Functions in JavaScript

Functions in JavaScript


1 min read

Whenever we want to perform some specific operations we can use functions, because of the reusablity of these functions.

Here are the advantages of the Functions.

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We can call same function many time to reuse it.

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Becuase of code reusablity line of code get minimum, so you have to write less code.

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function functionName([arg1,arg2,...argN]){
//Code to be executed


function sayHello(){
    console.log("Hello JavaScript");

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Function can be called through passing the arguments.following is the example of function with arguments.

function addition(num){
    let value = num + num;


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Whenever we call a function it returns the value which can be used in the program.

function square(num){
    let value = num*num;
    return value;


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function can be assigned to the variable.following is the example of it.

var square = function(num){
        let value = num*num;
        return value;


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Arrow function were introduced after ES6,basic example of arrow function is given bellow.

var sayHello = ()=>{
    console.log("Say Hello");
